Fait accompli

I emailed off my first draft of my dissertation proposal this evening, mostly because I promised that I would. Could it be better? Likely, but not by the end of the day. There’s probably some sections that are a little disorganized, partially because I used my Kohler essay as a skeleton. I didn’t bother proposing a computer model mostly because it’s a complete Pandora’s Box. I’m going to stop talking shop now though, because describing my dissertation proposal couldn’t be too interesting for the rest of you. I think it will be neat though. It might even get me a job.
On to other things…
Crap, I really haven’t been doing much else lately. I suck. Stupid proposal. Deanna got a draft of hers in today too. So I guess Effamy is going to move up to a Threat Level Blue.
This weekend will be games night at Michelle’s. Really that’s what I’ve been looking forward to for like the last 3 weeks. It should actually be a jam-packed weekend, as Friday is Rebecca’s dad’s birthday and cards night with Kevin, OJ and I (and maybe Jen C). Saturday is the games night where we will be having some head-to-head Catan action. Rebecca and I would also like to introduce the people to a game called Mafia. It’s like an interesting psychological game, but not in a "For 200 points, what are Ericsson’s 8 Stages?" lame kind of way. More like in a Vizzini(the character from The Princess Bride) kind of way. Also on Saturday, I may try to put together my new tablesaw. And on Sunday, I will hopefully finish the wall-mounted book rack that I’m making for Pokey’s books.
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3 Responses to Fait accompli

  1. effamy says:

    my goal continues to be to get a draft to dad the week after conference week. deanna sucks.you suck.

  2. The Question says:

    I already know I am going white/green!!!!!!   By the way I rock as was heard over the airwaves at Canadian Idol… but how come no invite to Catan and Mafia.  Fear my intuative knowledge would baffle the crowd.

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